Dearest Hobbits scattered across the four corners of Middle-earth, it is with great pleasure that I have the honor to invite you all to the 111th Birthday of our most excellent, amazing and extremely generous fellow citizen of the shire, Messer Biiiilboooo Baaagginssss!
Great banquets will be held in his honor, toasts in cups filled with beer, fine wines and mead, long but not very long speeches, wild barefoot dancing, laughter, birthday cakes, friendships, fireworks and mysterious disappearances!
Book your place at the Unique, True, re-enactment of A Long Expected Party, where you will have to dress up (in every sense) as a Halfling, become part of your own specific Family and experience fun adventures in La Contea Gentile on a night that will remain forever engraved in your hearts!
Admission is limited and places fill up quickly!
29 • 30 • 31 August
6 • 7 September