When I explain why I am building La Contea Gentile, many do not believe me. If I am doing all this it is above all to attract around this wonderful place as many people as possible who have in their eyes the same magic that dwells in my heart when I think of the shire.
And to the @luccacomicsandgtomonth , thanks to @patreon , we had the chance to literally have a crowd bath, with hundreds and hundreds of people who, enthusiastic about what we are doing, cheered us and supported us. It is a beautiful, albeit strange, feeling. And I am sure that I will meet all of them and all of you right here, in Contea Gentile.
“Thank you, mazzie, thank you” (cit. @seanastin)
📸 @giacomo_savini_
Happy Birthday John Ronald Reuel Tolkien!
Happy Birthday Professor!Happy Birthday John Ronald Reuel Tolkien! Many of you know The Lord of the Rings and Middle Earth only from Peter Jackson's films. But without