The Contea Gentile Blog

Interview with Il Giornale

In conjunction with the new Amazon Prime TV series, the book In viaggio per la terra di mezzo (Electa Junior) is being released, the first guide to enter the magical world of Tolkien, but also to understand that magical worlds also exist in reality.

Talk to Nicolas Gentile of his book Traveling to Middle Earth (Electa Junior) is something magical. Not only because he firmly believes in magic, but because the “middle earth" of The Lord of the Rings, he literally created it in the Contea Gentile. A wonderful place where you can experience how: “Even in the dystopian reality we live in,” says Nicolas, “there is a chance to find the magic again“. For this reason, his guide for children, in addition to introducing them to the reading of Tolkien’s cult book, teaches them how to: “See the world with different eyes”.

Your book seems to be the closing of the circle of your life dedicated to fantasy worlds, what did you want to tell in “In viaggio per la terra di mezzo”?

“The book is aimed primarily at young people, because it is that type of audience that, especially in recent years, has been shown a vision of reality and the world that is certainly not magical, but rather dystopian. I was lucky to read “The Lord of the Rings” at a very young age, which helped me a lot, providing me with a cultural and sentimental baggage that I still carry with me today. However, even though it is 'my favorite place', I understand that Tolkien's book, written in a certain way and of a certain length, can be heavy for a young person. This is why I wanted to write this sort of manual, where I described everything that exists in Middle Earth: from the places to the races that meet. Beyond this, I wanted to go even further. There are many similarities between the fantastic things he wrote in his books and the real world. The Hobbits, for example, really existed, as a geologist and therefore also as a paleontologist, I can say this with certainty. Our world is more fantasy than we can imagine. I would like to make the new generations understand that yes, fantasy books are beautiful, these fantastic worlds are extraordinary, but you always have to keep an eye on reality. Not in a cynical way, but dreamily, because this can be decidedly better than what they want us to see. The world is still to be explored, and it is fantastic, it is not just an ugly place with pandemics and climate change, there is much more. It is all about knowing how to see it and then preserve it”.

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Hobbit Families of the Shire

In the shire there are many Hobbit families and you could be part of one of them, each with its own peculiar characteristic. Are you more of a type homely? Are you among those who love the things that grow? Are you someone who likes the adventures?

And what family do you belong to?!?

Baggins: they are a wealthy family of the shire, not snobbish at all, in fact much loved by the rest of the other hobbit families. They have a reputation for being a bit strange and for this reason they are good-naturedly mocked. They love culture, travel and receiving visitors.

Bolgeri: the family in question is among the most well-known not only in the shire but also outside of it as great traders. For their work they travel a lot and know much more than many other Hobbits, what lies beyond the borders of the shire. They are clever, bold but also great bargainers: they could sell pipeweed even to an Ent!

Brandibuck: this is also one of the aristocratic families of the shire, even if their domains extend far outside of it, touching the Old Forest. They are considered bizarre by the other families as they are inclined to adventures and discovery and almost like "foreigners" for their ways. They know the rangers well and have learned many things from them. They are very good friends with the Tooks and never miss an opportunity to gather the families to have fun together in their own way!

Gamgee: they are one of the humblest families in the shire. Hard workers, they love contact with nature, they are serious but not solemn and they are strong, determined but very loyal. Very good friends with the Bagginses, the Tooks and the Brandybucks, they are famous for their love of things that grow.

Sackville-Baggins: they are a wealthy family of the shire, VERY SNOB, and very unloved by the other hobbit families. They have a reputation for being stingy and even a bit thieving, for this reason they are avoided or mocked. They love to "take what is theirs", scold or mock others, pose and show off in front of other families they consider "inferior".

Scavari: not among the most well-known or prominent families of the shire, despite their ancient history. They were the first hobbits to stop living as nomads and to settle in the burrows under the hills, starting one of the most important characteristics of Contea: the construction of the SMIAL, the famous Hobbit Houses.

Serracinta: it is a family not of noble origins but very respected as many of its offspring are dedicated to the activity of guards. They are the only hobbits that you might see armed and are usually found at the entrance of villages, bridges, crossroads, in order to ensure protection and control. They love hunting, outdoor activities and are expert slingers, archers and some even fencers.

Soffiatromba: they are a family of artists, even if of ancient peasant origin. They were the first to bring pipe herb to the shire. The discoverer of this floral marvel was none other than Tobaldo Soffiatromba, called by all Vecchio Tobia. From that moment on, the Hornblower family has been the most loved and lovable of the shire: they don't pick fights with anyone, they are always affable and relaxed and have discovered an innate gift for art and music.

Tronfipiedi: the members of this family are scattered throughout the four Decumans, making it one of the most numerous. They are hard workers, although not very curious about what lies beyond the rivers or the woods or the hills. They mind their own business. And their business is many. They have a predilection for cooking and preparing exquisite delicacies, their cuisine is in great demand at birthdays, parties and anniversaries that practically happen every day!

Tuc: They are the richest and most important family in the shire, but they don't seem to notice. They are crazy, funny, stupid and, in some situations, even magical! They sing, get drunk and go mushroom hunting, they like adventures, and they are famous for suddenly disappearing. They are very good friends with the Brandybuck family.


In the book and in the film, the most famous halfling in the shire finds himself having to sign a burglar's contract drawn up by the Dwarves with a thousand footnotes and paragraphs. You can find the reproduction of this contract, in English, everywhere, but this one you see was hand-written by one of the loyal "citizens" of our project, in Italian and with references to the Journey that the contea Gentile is undertaking: the Construction and the Birth of a place out of the ordinary!

This document can be filled in with the type of trade or service you can offer for the creation of the contea Gentile!

Handmade paper, custom font, pages cut out and sewn by hand with string and sealed with hot wax.

If you're curious, find out more about the Journey to Middle Earth here!

This document is not necessarily widely or legally recognized by states friend or foe, neighboring or distant, real or imagined. It has recognized and guaranteed validity only within the territories of the contea Gentile.


Minted in 2022, it depicts the symbol of the shire on one side, the Acorn. While on the other side the face of the nicest mayor there is, Nicolas Gentile. This coin was created by one of the loyal "citizens" of the county project, to support and grow it.

Attention: obviously this currency has no legal value in Italy or other countries (perhaps only in imaginary ones). This is a gadget/souvenir from La contea Gentile. Certainly more emotionally valuable than other currencies in circulation in the world!


Always carry the Official Passport of LA CONTEA GENTILE with you! This is the most excellent identification document: every self-respecting resident of La contea Gentile, presumed or current never leaves home without it! This passport was created by one of the loyal "citizens" of the shire project, in support and growth of it.

Fill it out with the information, characteristics and details that distinguish you: gender, species, class, hair, eyes, build, particular brands and much more!

This document is not necessarily widely or legally recognized by friendly or hostile, neighbours or distant, real or imaginary states. It has recognized and guaranteed validity only within the territories of La Contea Gentile. Please consult the official sources of the various kingdoms, citadels and states before visiting. Special visas and/or official stamps may be required.