The shure was born thanks to a dream, a real one, that is. One night twenty years ago, I dreamed that I was on a path in the woods and at the end of this path there was a stone wall with a gap, exactly like this one.
At that time I had already read the books, seen the films and already wished I could live in the middle earth. When, in the dream, I crossed this gap, in front of me there were my family and hundreds of people waiting for me with smiles and beyond them, the shire!
Here, this passage is the real entrance to what will be the shire with the real houses. But it also symbolizes something else: that if you dream hard, very hard, in the end dreams come true!
For this reason, as you pass through this portal, express a Wish, whatever it may be. And once on the other side you must be convinced, indeed 100% Absolutely Convinced that this dream has come true or is about to come true.